Market Profile TPO Settings for NinjaTrader 7 - Accelpix

NinjaTrader 7 Market Profile TPO / Volume Profile Settings using Pix Connect !

Market Profile TPO is a widely used indicator in NInjaTrader 7 and here will show you the settings which you need to implement in your NinjaTrader 7.

Hope you have properly installed our Pix Connect and TA Extention (If not, please install it from the download page)

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How to Configure NinjaTrader 7 with Pix Connect? >> Click Here 

These Settings you can use for Market Profile TPO 

Step 1:- Open The NinjaTrader 7

Step 2:- Now go to the File >>  New >> Charts 

Step 3:- Select the instrument/ Symbol as per your need.

Now the symbol will show like this.

Here you can see the properties of this instrument and you can change it accordingly.

1. Type = Minute 

2. Value = 30 ( 30 Min ) Notes:- Market Profile Mainly Used in 30 Min chart, That's why we are using 30 min chart.

3. Days to Load = 50 Days (In Trial you will get 45 days of Historical Data by default which you can increase up to 120 days with the paid subscription.) 

4.  Session Template:- NSE 

Now Click on OK and open the chart

Step 4:-  Once the chart is loaded, please right click on the chart and go to the indicators

Step 5:- You can select the "TPO and Volume Profile Indicator.

Now in Indicator Properties Please change the tick Time frame as below.

Please keep in your mind that all stocks are having different values and tick settings, so you would have to apply the same.

Market Profile TPO Size Table

Here we can see the price of ACC_I in the range of 1000 to 2000 (Row 4 in the table above), So we would have to set "Price Per Row Tick" = 50

Market Profile TPO Settings as below.

A:- Tick Size Settings 

B:-  TPO Chartes Alphabetical Settings:-

Notes:- Some Indicator Providers are providing these settings as default but here in Fin-Alg, we would have to change the settings as below.

Now see

You can see the Market Profile Chart with the ACC_I (ACC Current Month Future) as below.

1. There are around 500+ different indicator providers in the Markets and all indicator vendors having different settings in their indicators properties. So you would have to check the settings and apply the correct one.
2. We are not providing any training for Market profile and Orderflow.

Wishing you all the Best and Happy Learning! :)