njaTrader is the most renowned technical analysis platform and is used by over 50k + active Pro Traders all over the World.
Here, we will show you how to configure Pix Connect with NinjaTrader 7?
Before starting the Setup, we would have to install Pix Connect and NinjaTrader 7 from the link below.
After successfully installing the above apps, we will have to open the Pix Connect application and Enter the CRN Number as per the mail.
If you are already a subscriber or have an active Pix Connect account then you would have to follow the next step as below.
Step: - 1 (Administrator Rights)
1..1:- Once you install the NinjaTrader 7 in your system, it will create an icon as below. please right click on NinjaTrader 7 and go to the
1.2:- Under Properties, you would have to select Compatibilities.
1.3. At the bottom you will get an option " Change Settings for all users". Please click on it.
1.4. Now select " Run this program as an administrator" and save the same.
1.5. Click
on OK again.
Notes:- If you have just installed the Pix Connect application then would have to give the same admin right as above.
Step 2:- Now Please go to the NinjaTrader Folder and copy the dll files as per the screen below.
2.1:- Path Address:- C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaTrader 7\bin\ESignal
2.2:- You just have to copy all 4 files and paste into Bin Folder as below.
Now close all folders and run NinjaTrader 7.
Step: - 3 How to create Accelpix Connection in NinjaTrader 7?
3.1:- Once you open the NinjaTrader 7, it will show you the Screen called " Control Center" as below.
3.2:- Here will create a new "Accelpix" connection in your NinjaTrader 7.
Please go to the Tools >> Account Connections

3.3:- Because we are creating a new connection, we would have to click on Add
Notes:- (If you have other Indian vendors connection then please remove the same.)
3.4:- Just click on NEXT and go-ahead
3.5:- As you are connecting the data with the Accelpix plugin, please add the..
1. Connection name as "Accelpix"
2. Provider:- Esignal (Here we are using Esignal Method to connect our Live Data)
3. Backup Datafeed connection:- None
4. Tick Mark on "Connection Startup" and go ahead.
3.6:- Please follow the steps as per the screen below.
User Name:- Accelpix
Password:- Accelpix
Local IP:-
3.7:- Now click on Finish and complete the connection setup.
3.8:- Close the Account Connection Setup Windows ( Make Sure that the "Accelpix" is showing under the list of given connection)
3.9:- Now click on File >> Connection and Select Accelpix
3.10:- Here, the Esignal sign will show at the bottom left as below.
Step: - 4 How to Add Symbols in NinjaTrader 7?
4.1:- The symbols format remains the same using Pix Connect Application.
To know more about the symbol format >>
Click Here
4.2:- Please click on File >> Utilities >> Import Stock Symbols List
4.3:- In this window, you would have to add the symbols manually or load the txt file for the bulk symbols.
Symbol Mapping Format:-
1. Traded on- NSE
2. Currency:- Indian Rupee
3:- Instrument List:- Default ( You can also create your own list)
4. Session Template:- NSE
4.4:- Click on OK and save the same.
Once you add all the symbols, it will be stored in the NinjaTrader symbols list.
Step 5:- How to Open the Chart
5.1:- After successfully adding all the symbols, let's open a couple of charts.
Go to the File >> New >> Charts
Image Required
5.2:- Select BANKNIFTY_I ( Double Click to add below), You can also click on "New" to add below.
5.3:- Now set the Symbol Properties " Under Data Series"
Here you can Set
Chart Type = Tick, Minute, Renge, Ranko etc
Value = Chart Time 1 Min , 2 Min , 30 Min etc
Chart Style = Candlestick, OHLC, Line, etc
Days to Load:- 50 Days
Session Template:- NSE
Now click on OK and load the chart.
5.4, Now you can see the BANKNIFTY_I chart
Wishing you the Happy and Most Profitable Trading!
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