How to add symbols in NInjaTrdare 8 ? (Options Symbols)

How to add symbols in NinjaTrader 8 ?

NinjaTrader 8 is one of the most prominent software because of there unique user-friendly features, that's why its different from other technical analysis software.

We are adding all symbols (Continuous Futures) in NInjaTrader 8, so you would have to simply search the symbols and add as per your need.


For any stock symbol, just type the stock name like  " RELIANCE"

You will get the search result below.

RELIANCE_I  (Future Current Month)
RELIANCE_II (Future Next Month)
RELIANCE_III (Future Far Month)

To know more about the format of the symbol >> Click Here ( Symbols Format)

How to add Options Symbols in NInjaTrader 8

Step 1:- Open NInjaTrader 8

Step 2:- Go to the Tools >> Import >> Stock Symbols List 

Add the symbols' names as per your need.

E.g:- NIFTY8300JAN20CE

Here, NIFTY -8300- JAN-20-CE is the actual 

You can add the multiple symbols as per your needs.

Step 3:- Now Select 

Trade on:- NSE 
Currency:- Indian Rupees
Instrument List:- You can create a new List name as "Options"
Trading Hours:- NSE 
Separator Characters:- do not change anything 


Now click on OK and save the list. You will get the popup message "All Symbols Successfully Added"

Step:- 4:- Now go to the New >> Symbols and Open the list which we have created.

Hope, now you understood "How to add Options Symbols in NinjaTrader 8 ?"

Please don't hesitate to contact our support on Live Chat >> Click Here or Call on +91 990 999 3349 for quick support.

                           Thank You and Happy Trading!

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