Pix APIs - Realtime and Historical Data in REST

Pix APIs - Realtime and Historical Data in REST


REST API for historical and tick data download

EOD Data:

  1. GET http://{server}/api/fda/rest/{ticker}/{yyyyMMdd:start}/{yyyyMMdd:end}?api_token={your api key}

  2. Example:
  3. http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest/NIFTY 50/20240101/20240115?api_token=cvFRDRmyKXp2%2BY9KKgPBfC0%3Dm
  4. Response:
  5. [
  6.     {
  7.         "tkr": ""NIFTY 50"",
  8.         "td": "2024-01-01 00:00:00",
  9.         "op": 21727.8000,
  10.         "hp": 21834.3000,
  11.         "lp": 21680.8000,
  12.         "cp": 21741.9000,
  13.         "vol": 0,
  14.         "oi": 0,
  15.         "eod": true
  16.     },
  17.     {
  18.         "tkr": ""NIFTY 50"",
  19.         "td": "2024-01-02 00:00:00",
  20.         "op": 21751.3000,
  21.         "hp": 21755.6000,
  22.         "lp": 21555.7000,
  23.         "cp": 21665.8000,
  24.         "vol": 0,
  25.         "oi": 0,
  26.         "eod": true
  27.     }
  28. ]

Intra-EOD Data:

  1. Intra-Eod for completed session

  2. GET http://{server}/api/fda/rest/{ticker}/{yyyyMMdd:start}/{yyyyMMdd:end}/{resolution:minutes}?api_token={your api key}

  3. Example:
  4. http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest/NIFTY 50/20240111/20240112/5?api_token=cvFRDRmyKXp2%2BY9KKgPBfC0%3Dm

  5. Response:
  6. [
  7.     {
  8.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  9.         "td": "2024-01-11 09:15:00",
  10.         "op": 21688.8000,
  11.         "hp": 21725.4000,
  12.         "lp": 21683.4000,
  13.         "cp": 21720.4000,
  14.         "vol": 8554608,
  15.         "oi": 0,
  16.         "eod": false
  17.     },
  18.     {
  19.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  20.         "td": "2024-01-11 09:20:00",
  21.         "op": 21721.1000,
  22.         "hp": 21726.5000,
  23.         "lp": 21693.1000,
  24.         "cp": 21693.1000,
  25.         "vol": 4901900,
  26.         "oi": 0,
  27.         "eod": false
  28.     },
  29.     {
  30.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  31.         "td": "2024-01-11 09:25:00",
  32.         "op": 21692.6000,
  33.         "hp": 21720.1000,
  34.         "lp": 21690.4000,
  35.         "cp": 21703.9000,
  36.         "vol": 5450636,
  37.         "oi": 0,
  38.         "eod": false
  39.     }
  40. ]

Live Intra OHLC

  1. GET http://{server}/api/fda/rest/{ticker}/{yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss-start time}/{yyyyMMdd  HH:mm:ss-end time}/{resolution:minutes}?api_token={your api key}

  2. Example:
  3. http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest/NIFTY 50/20240112 15:00:00/20240112 15:15:00/5?api_token=cvFRDRmyKXp2%2BY9KKgPBfC0%3Dm

  4. Response:
  5. [
  6.     {
  7.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  8.         "td": "2024-01-12 15:00:00",
  9.         "op": 21903.8000,
  10.         "hp": 21922.0000,
  11.         "lp": 21892.6000,
  12.         "cp": 21893.3000,
  13.         "vol": 6963597,
  14.         "oi": 0,
  15.         "eod": false
  16.     },
  17.     {
  18.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  19.         "td": "2024-01-12 15:05:00",
  20.         "op": 21888.8000,
  21.         "hp": 21899.8000,
  22.         "lp": 21857.0000,
  23.         "cp": 21858.3000,
  24.         "vol": 8481726,
  25.         "oi": 0,
  26.         "eod": false
  27.     },
  28.     {
  29.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  30.         "td": "2024-01-12 15:10:00",
  31.         "op": 21858.8000,
  32.         "hp": 21884.9000,
  33.         "lp": 21852.6000,
  34.         "cp": 21876.0000,
  35.         "vol": 7293602,
  36.         "oi": 0,
  37.         "eod": false
  38.     }
  39. ]
Quotes Data:

  1. POST http://{server}/api/fda/rest/quote?api_token={your api key}

  2. Example:
  3. http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest/quote?api_token=cvFRDRmyKXp2%2BY9KKgPBfC0%3Dm

  4. Request Body:
  5. ["TCS","NIFTY-1"]

  6. Response:
  7. [
  8.     {
  9.         "tkr": "TCS",
  10.         "sid": 1,
  11.         "tkn": 0,
  12.         "tm": 1332344400,
  13.         "pr": 3626.7,
  14.         "qty": 0,
  15.         "vol": 2413206,
  16.         "bp": 0.0,
  17.         "bq": 0,
  18.         "ap": 3626.7,
  19.         "aq": 1163,
  20.         "op": 3696.0,
  21.         "cp": 3626.7,
  22.         "hp": 3713.95,
  23.         "lp": 3615.0,
  24.         "avg": 3650.29,
  25.         "oi": 0,
  26.         "val": 0.0,
  27.         "band": 10,
  28.         "upc": 3989.35,
  29.         "lrc": 3264.05,
  30.         "poi": 0,
  31.         "chg": 0.0,
  32.         "chgpc": 0.0
  33.     },
  34.     {
  35.         "tkr": "NIFTY-1",
  36.         "sid": 2,
  37.         "tkn": 0,
  38.         "tm": 1332343800,
  39.         "pr": 17167.85,
  40.         "qty": 200,
  41.         "vol": 9308800,
  42.         "bp": 17163.1,
  43.         "bq": 200,
  44.         "ap": 17167.9,
  45.         "aq": 850,
  46.         "op": 17332.2,
  47.         "cp": 17322.05,
  48.         "hp": 17392.1,
  49.         "lp": 17130.65,
  50.         "avg": 17234.96,
  51.         "oi": 10866050,
  52.         "val": 0.0,
  53.         "band": 0,
  54.         "upc": 0.0,
  55.         "lrc": 0.0,
  56.         "poi": 10866050,
  57.         "chg": -154.20117,
  58.         "chgpc": -0.89
  59.     }
  60. ]
Master Data:

  1. GET http://{server}/api/fda/rest/master?api_token={your api key}

  2. Example:
  3. http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest/master?api_token=cvFRDRmyKXp2%2BY9KKgPBfC0%3Dm

  4. Response:
  5. [
  6.     {
  7.         "xid": 1,
  8.         "tkr": "NIFTY 50",
  9.         "atkr": "NIFTY_50",
  10.         "ctkr": null,
  11.         "exp": "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
  12.         "utkr": null,
  13.         "inst": "INDEX",
  14.         "a3tkr": null,
  15.         "sp": 0.00,
  16.         "tk": 99,
  17.         "lot": 0
  18.     },
  19.     {
  20.         "xid": 1,
  21.         "tkr": "TCS",
  22.         "atkr": null,
  23.         "ctkr": null,
  24.         "exp": "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
  25.         "utkr": null,
  26.         "inst": "EQUITY",
  27.         "a3tkr": null,
  28.         "sp": 0.00,
  29.         "tk": 11536,
  30.         "lot": 0
  31.     },
  32.         "xid": 2,
  33.         "tkr": "BANKNIFTY-1",
  34.         "atkr": "BANKNIFTY_1",
  35.         "ctkr": "BANKNIFTY22JUL",
  36.         "exp": "2024-01-16 00:00:00",
  37.         "utkr": "BANKNIFTY",
  38.         "inst": "FUTIDX",
  39.         "a3tkr": "BANKNIFTY-I",
  40.         "sp": 0.00,
  41.         "tk": 53734,
  42.         "lot": 15
  43.     }

  44. ]

Samples Code 

  1. # python
  2. import requests
  3. import urllib.parse

  4. ulr_base = "http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest"
  5. key = urllib.parse.quote("your api token here")

  6. # EOD request
  7. eod = requests.get(ulr_base + "/nifty-1/20240116/20240118?api_token=" + key)
  8. print(eod.content)

  9. # Quote data reuest
  10. quote = requests.post(ulr_base + "/quote?api_token=" + key, json=['NIFTY-1', 'NIFTY BANK'])
  11. print(quote.content)
  12. “`c#
  13. // .net
  14. static async Task Main(string[] args)
  15. {
  16. const string urlBase = “http://apidata.accelpix.in/api/fda/rest“;
  17. var key = Uri.EscapeDataString(“your api token here”);

  18. var client = new HttpClient();

  19. // Eod request
  20. var d = await client.GetStringAsync(urlBase + "/nifty-1/20240110/20240118?api_token=" + key);
  21. Console.WriteLine(d);

  22. // Quote request
  23. var syms = new List<string> { "NIFTY-1", "NIFTY BANK" };
  24. var q = await client.PostAsync(urlBase + "/quote?api_token=" + key, new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(syms), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
  25. var r = await q.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
  26. Console.WriteLine(r);

  27. Console.ReadLine();}

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