Pix Connect it's the most intelligent application which not only help you to filter the symbol bot also warn you if you add the wrong symbol in your Amibroker or NinjaTrader application.
Let's see how to Activate and Deactivate the symbols in Pix Connect Adapter.
Open The Pix Connect App.
Now Go to the Symbols Search options
Here you will find the Five different filters.
1. Symbol Search, 2. Symbols Selection, 3. Category Selection, 4. Expiry Date, 5. Length.
1. Search Symbol
You can search Symbol and add as per your need
2. Select All Symbol
You can add all symbols in one go..
3. Category
here you need to Select Symbol Type.
There are three Different Types of Symbols
1. CE for Call Options
2. PE for Put Options
3. XX for Futures
4. Expiry Date
Here you should have to select the expiry date for the symbol.
1. Weekly Expiry Date ( For NIFTY and BANKNIFTY only)
2. Monthly Expiry Date (For All Futures Symbols)
5. Now Select the Length of the symbol
Here you would have have the two options
a:- Continuous Futures ( For NIFTY_I)
b:- Contract Futures ( For Contract Futures and Options)
Now click on Search to get the result of your selection.
Now in the Left hand Side Window you will find the all symbols as per your filter search.
You would have to select some or all symbols and Click on >> arrow and add in
Now you will find the selected symbols in the right hand side windows.
Basically you should have to select all symbols first into Pix Connect App and add all into Amibroker application using Configure Options in Amibroker database Settings.
Open Amibroker and Go to the File >> database Settings >> Click On Configure and Save the database Settings.
Now all symbols are added in your Amibroker Application.
Thank You and Happy Trading !